Failure to Launch: What’s Holding You Back? August 19, 2018 by Miss Kemya

Amanda had several e-books, smart reports, and e-courses sitting on her hard drive. Each project was “almost” ready to launch. She would go to networking conferences and attend webinars. She would tell the other attendees about her projects and she even had several people interested in them. But a year later, she was still in the EXACT same place. She never launched anything.

Maybe you can relate to Amanda. You have a hard drive filled with projects you haven’t launched. You’re an awesome dreamer, creator, and doer. But you’re still not putting yourself out there.

You’re hiding your best work from the world and it’s time for a change. To start launching your products, you first have to understand what’s been holding you back. Here are the most common reasons why you’re stuck…

You haven’t launched yet? What’s holding you back?

Have a hard drive filled with projects? Get over yourself and launch already.

Fear You’re Not Ready

You tell yourself that you’ll launch soon. You just have to learn a little bit more. Maybe you tell yourself you need to take a course on Facebook ads before you can launch. Maybe you believe that you need to have a shiny website with all the bells and whistles before you can share your product with the world.

But most people never really feel ready, myself included. You have to accept that there are some things you can only learn from hands-on experience, and that type of experience comes from launching.

There are some things you can only learn from hands-on experience, the experience that comes from…
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Fear You’ll Be Rejected

With a launch, people will be giving you feedback, either with their checkbooks or their words. You may have heard this before, and it absolutely true.

Some will even give you both. But don’t fear this feedback. It will allow you to fine-tune your current offering and launch another product that your community will benefit from.

And another thing – rejection is a part of life. Everyone will not love everything you do. Have you been rejected by a desired date? Job you really wanted? College admissions? Anything? I am 100% positive rejection did NOT kill you.

Get feedback post-launch to fine-tune your current offer and launch another, better version of your…
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Fear You’re Not Good Enough

Insecurities can destroy your business if you let them. What you have to understand is you’ll never become an expert. Even the smartest, most educated solopreneur is still learning new things. There’s always another rung you can climb on the success ladder.

But in the meantime, it’s not fun to hold back your best material from your community. They want your expertise and your knowledge. What’s more, they want to pay you for this knowledge so their lives can be better. Don’t deny them this or they’ll look elsewhere for a business owner that’s willing to launch (even if their material isn’t as good as yours).

Remember, your inner perfectionist, the one whispering in your ear… she doesn’t pay the bills!
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How many times have you seen another ‘preneur killin it with content only half as good as yours? I bet you’ve experienced this more times than you care to admit. I know I have! You may never feel like you’re good enough, and that’s ok, proceed anyway. Remember, your inner perfectionist, the one sitting on your shoulder, whispering in your ear… she doesn’t pay the bills!

inner perfectionist does not pay bills

Fear You’ll Be Successful

Some people fear success more than they fear failure. Success means having to confront your self-limiting beliefs about money and business. It means you’ll have to deem yourself worthy of making money.

While failure isn’t as comfortable as success, it’s familiar. That’s why so many smart solopreneurs don’t take action. Success means facing the unknown. You need to learn how to embrace the unknown in your business and your life. Otherwise, you’ll stay stuck just like Amanda. Don’t be Amanda.

Although launching feels like a scary concept, this is what you’re here for. It’s why you created your business – so you could share your work with a community that’s eager to see it. So, get over yourself and launch already!

Miss Kemya

PS – No offense to anyone named Amanda! I needed a random name and whoop there it is!

The post Failure to Launch: What’s Holding You Back? appeared first on Marketing Sparkler.