How to Handle the Challenges of Multi-Channel Marketing
in Marketing Strategy, multichannel marketing

<p>We’re posting on LinkedIn, tweeting everyday, going live on Facebook and creating stories on Instagram. We’ve got ads running every which way, blogging as often as we can stand, and retargeting to everyone. In other words, in this digital era, we’re doing some of everything everywhere. We’re using multiple channels to market our businesses. There […]</p> <p>The post "<a rel="nofollow" href="">How to Handle the Challenges of Multi-Channel Marketing</a>" was written by <a rel="nofollow" href="">Miss Kemya</a>.</p> <p>Visit <a rel="nofollow" href="">Marketing Sparkler</a> to catch up on earlier blog posts you may have missed!</p>
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What Is Multi-Channel Marketing?
in Marketing Strategy, multichannel marketing

Put simply, multi-channel marketing is getting the message out about your products and services through many methods. The goal of multi-channel marketing is to get the information into the hands of as<a href="">Read More...</a>
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